The Damascus Way (Acts of Faith Book #3)

The Damascus Way (Acts of Faith Book #3)

Written by: Janette Oke Davis Bunn

  • Publisher: Baker Books
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1441214070
  • ISBN-13: 9781441214072
  • eBook-The-Damascus-Way-Acts-of-Faith-Book-3.pdf

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Book Summary

Julia has everything money can buy...except for acceptance by either the Gentiles or the Jews. Her Greek father already has a wife and family, leaving Julia and her Hebrew mother second-class citizens. But when they are introduced to followers of the Way, they become part of that community of believers.

Abigail's brother, Jacob, now a young man, is attempting to discover his own place as a Christian. He is concerned that being more serious about his faith means trading away the exhilaration of his current profession as a caravan guard. Hired by Julia's father to protect the wealthy merchant's caravans on the secretive "Frankincense Trail"--undercover transport of this highly valuable commodity--Jacob also passes letters and messages between various communities of believers. He is alarmed to find out that Julia, hardly more than a girl, is also a messenger. Can their immediate mistrust be put aside to finally bring their hearts together?

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