Handbook of Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine

Handbook of Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine

Written by: Jerry M. Suls Karina W. Davidson Robert M. Kaplan

  • Publisher: Guilford Press
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1606238965
  • ISBN-13: 9781606238967
  • eBook-Handbook-of-Health-Psychology-and-Behavioral-Medicine.pdf

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Book Summary

What psychological and environmental forces have an impact on health? How does behavior contribute to wellness or illness? This comprehensive volume answers these questions and others with a state-of-the-art overview of theory, research, and practice at the interface of psychology and health. Leading experts from multiple disciplines explore how health and health behaviors are shaped by a wide range of psychological processes and social-environmental factors. The book describes exemplary applications in the prevention and clinical management of today's most pressing health risks and diseases, including coronary heart disease, depression, diabetes, cancer, chronic pain, obesity, sleep disturbances, and smoking. Featuring succinct, accessible chapters on critical concepts and contemporary issues, the Handbook integrates psychological perspectives with cutting-edge work in preventive medicine, epidemiology, public health, genetics, nursing, and the social sciences.

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