

Written by: David Adams

  • Publisher: David Adams
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1301966940
  • ISBN-13: 9781301966943
  • eBook-Lacuna.pdf

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Book Summary

"Never again attempt to develop this kind of technology."

It is with these words that an unknown alien attacker destroys the Earth cities of Tehran, Sydney and Beijing. Fifty million people die... and nothing is ever the same again.

Some call them Demons, some call them Aliens, but to Chinese Naval Captain Melissa Liao they are the enemy. She is given command of one of three great warships built to fight the "demons", the TFR Beijing.

Her task is simple. Find who attacked Earth and why... then stop them.

Book one of the Lacuna series.

Lacuna: Demons of the Void
Lacuna: The Sands of Karathi
Lacuna: The Spectre of Oblivion
Lacuna: The Ashes of Humanity (new release!)
Lacuna: The Prelude to Eternity (coming soon!)

Don't miss these short stories set in the Lacuna universe:

Magnet: Special Mission
Magnet: Marauder
Magnet: Scarecrow (new release!)

Keywords: free, freebie, free download, military sci-fi, navy, future, people's republic of china, space exploration, military space, lacuna

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